Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Why I Vote Pro-Choice

Check out other blogs that participated in blog for choice

Most of my life I have taken for granted my right to choose, until recently. The last several year this right has been threatened. Now, more than ever, it is important to me to make sure that my vote goes to secure this right for myself, and every other woman in this country. With the presidential election coming up it is very important to make sure you know who you are voting for. Safe, legal, and accessible abortions save women's lives. My vote also goes to try and get the government to fund comprehensive sex education programs for our youth to try and prevent more young women to have to make that difficult choice, instead of spending millions of dollars funding abstinence only programs with religious overtones. My vote goes to protect the rights of all women. To choose abortion is never an easy decision, but it is the right to that difficult choice that I will continue to fight tooth and nail for. It is nobody elses decision to make.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Flipping awesome

I have been been a bzzagent for a couple of years now and have learned about some pretty cool products. I haven't been as active since they did big makeover of their site, but I still check it out every once and a while. During my latest cruize through bzzagent.com I ran across this blog in the frogpond. . . I couldn't stop reading. . .
"Delve into Dooce, a blog chronicling the rise and fall (and subsequent rise) of Heather Armstrong, an ex-Morman web designer turned stay at home mom — with a brief stint in a mental hospital thrown in for good measure. In 2002, the blog got her fired. Now it fully supports her family of three (and their dog, Chuck)."
-Bzz Agent .com

Seriously check it out... Heather Armstrong is a riot and really tells it like it is.

Oh yeah, if you don't know about bzzagent, or the frogpond, check it out here.

Friday, January 18, 2008

National Cervical Cancer Screening

More information on Cervical Cancer

Learning to Vote intelligently

Learning to Vote intelligently on Squidoo
It's been a couple days, but I've been busy on Squidoo working on a lens for Hillary and a lens for Barack. In addition to those I have made a lens dedicated to learning about the various candidates (link above). I think it is extremely important that people educate themselves about the various candidate and how they stand on issues. Too many people vote without really knowing who they are voting for. This lens points people to accurate information on the candidates (both Republicans and Democrats) and how they stand on all the issues.

If you aren't a member of Squidoo yet, you should really consider signing up. . .plus, it's free!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Obama's Plan

Today, Obama released his plan to stimulate the economy. I'm still not entirely sure who I am backing, but this sure makes some sense.

Women vs. Oprah :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Robert Novak

Women vs. Oprah :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Robert Novak
Should Oprah be criticized because she backed Obama and not Hillary. . . Is gender more important than race?. . . Does everything have to do with either gender or race, or can someone back a candidate for other reasons??

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Mobile Blogging

In addition to trying to blog more often in the new year, I am also going to check out the whole mobile blogging thing. That should make it much easier to post more often, even without a connection.

It's time again for: Blog for Choice Day

NARAL is once again asking for pro-choice bloggers to honer the 35th anniversary of Roe V Wade by blogging for choice on January 22, 2008. This years topic is to discuss the importance of voting pro-choice. Check out the link below!
Blog for Choice Day

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Cervical Cancer Awareness Month

Remember that January is Cervical Cancer Awareness month! Every female should educate herself on cervical cancer and HPV. . .

Last years pos
t on cervical cancer

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Laziest Blogger Ever

Well, it is now 2008 and I haven't actually blogged since the summer. Oops. Let me just tell you it has been the busiest semester of school I have ever experienced. . .but one semester left and then I am done, at least for a while. January is typically the time for resolutions and such, and just like everyone else I suppose I should at least try. Out of several, one is to keep up with blogging and related activities. At least more often than once in six months. . . So I am sincerely going to try and not be so lazy with the blogging. . .wish me luck!