Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Works Cited: Young Girls and Sexually Provocative Clothing: Not Just Harmless Self Expression

Abercrombie and Fitch. 6 Mar. 2006 .
"Buying into Sexy: The sexing up of tweens." CBC News. 9 Jan. 2005. CBC News. 5 Mar. 2006 http://www.cbc.ca/consumers/market/files/money/sexy/.

English, Bella . "Countering hypersexualized marketing aimed at young girls." Brandeis University. 12 Mar. 2005. 9 Mar. 2006

Ford, Dave. "Abercrombie's Lolita line of thongs goes beyond bad taste." 26 May 2002. San Francisco Chronicle. 5 Mar. 2006 http://faculty.smu.edu/jdbradle/Abercrombie.

Gojane.com. 9 Mar. 2006 http://www.gojane.com/?ovchn=GGL&ovcpn=Clothing&ovcrn=teen+clothes&ovtac=PPC.

Greenfield, Jimmy. "Student 'girlcott' protests Abercrombie t-shirts." Newsday.com. 2 Nov. 2005. Newsday. 8 Mar. 2006 http://www.newsday.com/news/nationworld/nation/ny-chifitch1103,0,3539255.story?coll=ny-homepage-mezz.

McCallough, Kevin. "Abercrombie & Fitch to your kids: Group sex now." Worldnet Daily. Nov. 2003. 2 Mar. 2006 http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=35579.

Pearson, Patricia. "Preteen Temptresses." Maclean's 117.10 (2004): 46. Academic Search Elite. Ebsco. Polk Library. 9 Mar. 2006 http://search.epnet.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=afh&an=12421479.

Pollet, Alison. Hurwitz, Page. "Strip Till You Drop." Nation 278.2 (2004): 20-25. Academic Search Elite. Ebsco Host. Polk Library. 9 Mar. 2006

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"Statistics." National Eating Disorder Association. NEDA. 26 Apr. 2006 .

"Teen Obesity." Palo Alto Medical Foundation. Palo Alto Medical Foundation. 9 Apr. 2006 .

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